Hugo Themes
TailBliss is an Hugo Starter with Tailwind CSS 3.2 and Alpine.js with light and dark modes. Submitted for Hacktoberfest 2022.
TailBliss is an opinionated Hugo Starter with Tailwind CSS 3.2 and Alpine.js with light/dark modes.
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Install to VS Code with:git clone your-name
Install with NPM
npm install
Install with Yarn
To start developing:
Develop with NPM
npm run start
Develop with Yarn
yarn start
To generate the site HTML:
Build with NPM
npm run build
Build with Yarn
yarn build
npm run start will run two commands parallel:npx tailwindcss -i ./assets/css/main.css -o ./assets/css/style.css --watch
Has paginated Categories and Tags. Markdown files will automatically convert images put into /assets
folder to .webp images.
Image shortcodes for webp as well.
{{< imgc src=“img-name.jpg” alt=“Place alt text here.” >}}
To use the form, visit FormSubmit.Co. Locate the contact form in “content/”, and update the form action with the email address you want on this line: action=“" method=“POST”
4044ever - Original Theme
Jan Heise - Alpine.js Navbar
Made for Hacktoberfest, with ❤️ by NusserStudios.