Hugo Themes
Mostafa Hugo Theme
A responsive theme with supports multilingual and various content types.
- Author: Mostafa Mirmousavi
- GitHub Stars: 2
- Updated: 2025-03-08
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Dark Gallery Minimal Multilingual Personal Podcast Responsive
Mostafa Hugo Theme
A responsive theme with supports multilingual and various content types
- Demo and Screenshots
- Features
- Installation
- Configuration
- Sample Configurations
- Running Your Hugo Site
- Using Sample Content
- Contributing
- License
Demo and Screenshots
Check out the demo of the theme from
Also, the theme is used in
- Responsive design
- Supports various content types (articles, pages, galleries, videos, etc.)
- Multilingual support
- RTL support
- Dark and modern theme
- Integrated with social media
- Customizable Layouts
You can install mostafa-hugo-theme
using different methods depending on your preference.
1. Install via Hugo Modules (Recommended)
1.1 Initialize Hugo Modules (if not already initialized)
Run this command inside your Hugo project:
hugo mod init
1.2 Add the theme as a module
Edit your config.toml
file and add:
path = ""
Note: You can also use hugo.toml
or other config instead of config.toml
for configuration.*
1.3 Fetch the theme
hugo mod tidy
Done! The theme is now installed, and Hugo will automatically pull updates when you run hugo mod tidy
2. Install via Git Submodule (Advanced Users)
2.1 Add the theme as a submodule
git submodule add themes/mostafa-hugo-theme
2.2 Initialize and update the submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
2.3 Set the theme in config.toml
theme = "mostafa-hugo-theme"
Now the theme is linked to your project as a submodule! To update it, use:
git submodule update --remote --merge
3. Clone or Download the Theme
You can also clone or download the theme directly into your project’s themes
Here are the configuration options for the theme.
Basic Settings
: The website URLtitle
: Main site titleDefaultContentLanguage
: Default content language (en)googleAnalytics
: Google Analytics tracking IDenableRobotsTXT
: Enables generation of robots.txt file
Site Parameters
Media & Design
: Automatically resizes and crops imagescontentFont
: Main font for LTR contentcontentRTLFont
: Font for RTL content
Content Display
: Number of articles per page (10)showReadingTime
: Displays estimated reading time for articlestocMinWordCount
: Minimum word count to display Table of Contents (400)
SEO & Metadata
: Site author namedescription
: Site description for SEOkeywords
: SEO keywordssubtitle
: Site subtitle
Social Media & Footer
: Array of social media links with icons- GitHub
- etc.
: Additional footer linksshowFooter
: Controls footer visibility
Multilingual Support
The site supports multiple languages:
- English (en-US)
- German (de-DE)
- Dutch (nl-NL)
- Persian (fa-IR)
- etc. (see i18n directory in the theme
Each language can have its own:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Language direction (LTR/RTL)
- Weight (for ordering)
Markdown Settings
: Uses goldmarkunsafe
: HTML rendering in markdown (disabled)- Table of Contents configuration:
: 2endLevel
: 5ordered
: false
Output Formats
- Home page: HTML, RSS, JSON
- Regular pages: HTML, RSS
Sample Configurations
Here is an example of configurations for the theme.
baseURL = ''
title = "Mostafa Mirmousavi"
# Change to one of your content languages defined at the end.
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
# Enable / Disable Google Analytics statistics
googleAnalytics = "G-XXXXXXXXXX"
# Generate the robots.txt file for SEO
enableRobotsTXT = true
path = ""
# Enable the menu in the header
# Also, you can add it in the language section for each language
name = "allPosts"
url = "/"
weight = 10
name = "categories"
url = "/categories/"
weight = 20
name = "tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 30
name = "about"
url = "/categories/about/"
weight = 40
# name = "Mostafa"
# url = ""
# weight = 50
# [menus.main.params]
# external = true
# Custom CSS / JS modules that will be imported by the template.
# Files are relative to the static/ directory or a URL.
# Files are imported in the order they appear here, after
# theme.css and theme.js, respectively.
css_modules = []
js_modules = []
# Description and meta data for the search engines
author = "Mostafa Mirmousavi"
description = "Software Engineer"
keywords = "javascript, typescript, react, nodejs, monkeyc"
subtitle = "A software engineer"
# How many articles should be displayed at once?
paginate = 10
# Media configuration
# let hugo automatically resize and crop your images to the correct sizes
# NB: When enabled the image files get renamed by adding additional information,
# even if the image has the correct sizes.
resizeImages = true
# always display the top navigation when scrolling
# works only with permanentTopNav = true
#stickyNav = true
# Style configuration
#contentFont = "'Open Sans',sans-serif"
#contentRTLFont = "Vazirmatn, sans-serif"
#baseColor = "#191A19"
#pageBackgroundColor = "$base-color"
#specialColor = "#2D3642"
#highlightColor = "#ffffff"
#textColor = "#7a7a7a"
#navBackgroundColor = "$special-color"
#navTextColor = "$page-background-color"
#algoliaSearchBoxColor = "#444"
#algoliaSearchBoxIconColor = "#888"
#algoliaSearchBoxBackgroundColor = "#fafafa"
#algoliaBorderColor = "#e4e4e4"
#headerTextColor = "#FF8D00"
#logoColor = "darken($page-background-color, 1)"
#bubbleColor = "$highlight-color"
#bubbleBackgroundColor = "#ccc"
#bubbleHoverColor = "$highlight-color"
#articleBackgroundColor = "#343434"
#metaTextColor = "#999999"
#metaBorderColor = "#eeeeee"
#continueReadingHoverColor = "$meta-text-color"
#footerBackgroundColor = "$page-background-color"
#footerHeadlineColor = "$highlight-color"
# Content configuration
# Enable an optional pinned page to display at the top of the index
#pinnedPost = "/quote/routine/"
# Set to true to pin only to the first page, false to all pages
#pinOnlyToFirstPage = true
# enable highlight.js for syntax highlighting or (if set to false) use
# the hugo built-in chroma highlighter
enableHighlightJs = true
# enable automatic localization of the article's PublishedDate with momentjs
enableMomentJs = false
# customize the date format | only works if momentjs is disabled | only works with English month names
# you can customize it with the options you find here:
dateFormat = "Monday, January 2, 2006" #default is 2006-01-02
# display the estimated reading time for an article
showReadingTime = true
# Minimum word count to display the Table of Contents
tocMinWordCount = 400
# Footer configuration
showFooter = true
# How many articles should be displayed at latest posts in the footer?
# Set to -1 to hide the 'Latest Posts' column
amountLatestPostsInFooter = 7
# How many categories should be displayed in the footer section?
# Set to -1 to hide the 'Categories' column
amountCategoriesInFooter = 7
# define your links with FontAwesome 5 (only free icons are supported)
# all icons
# brand icons
socialMediaLinks = [
{ name = "GitHub", link = "", icon = "fab fa-github"},
{ name = "Linkedin", link = "", icon = "fab fa-linkedin" },
{ name = "Twitter / X", link = "", icon = "fab fa-twitter" },
{ name = "RSS", link = "/index.xml", icon = "fas fa-rss" },
# show other links in the footer
otherLinks = [
{ name = "Garmin Apps", link = ""},
{ name = "", link = ""},
# show an archive link in the footer
#showArchive = true
# archive grouping: "2006" by year, "2006-01" by month
#archiveDateGrouping = "2006-01"
# credits line configuration
#copyrightUseCurrentYear = true # set to true to always display the current year in the copyright
#copyrightYearOverride = "2024"
#copyrightBy = "by Mostafa Mirmousavi" # default is "by {site title}"
#copyrightUrl = "" # default is .Site.BaseURL
# customize your available languages for your multi-lingual site
weight = 10
languageCode = 'en-US'
languageDirection = 'ltr'
languageName = 'English'
title = "Mostafa Hugo Theme"
subtitle = "Theme Demo"
weight = 20
languageCode = 'de-DE'
languageDirection = 'ltr'
languageName = 'German'
title = "Mostafa Hugo Theme"
subtitle = "Theme Demo"
weight = 30
languageCode = 'nl-NL'
languageDirection = 'ltr'
languageName = 'Dutch'
title = "Mostafa Hugo Theme"
subtitle = "Theme Demo"
weight = 40
languageCode = 'fa-IR'
languageDirection = 'rtl'
languageName = 'Persian'
title = "قالب هوگو مصطفی"
subtitle = "نمونه سایت"
defaultMarkdownHandler = 'goldmark'
# change to 'true' if you need to render raw HTML within your markdown content
unsafe = false
endLevel = 5
ordered = false
startLevel = 2
# do NOT change anything below
author = "author"
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
series = "series"
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON" ]
page = [ "HTML", "RSS" ]
Running Your Hugo Site
After installing the theme, run:
hugo server
Open http://localhost:1313 in your browser to preview the sample content.
Using Sample Content
Copy sample content to your site
To use the sample content provided with the theme, follow these steps:
- Copy the sample content from the theme’s
directory to your Hugo site’s content directory:
cp -r themes/mostafa-hugo-theme/exampleSite/content/* content/
- Start the Hugo server to see the sample content in action:
hugo server
Feel free to modify the sample content to suit your needs.
Use exampleSite
You can start the Hugo server directly from the exampleSite
directory JUST FOR TEST:
hugo server --source exampleSite
# or
hugo server --source exampleSite --themesDir ../.. --baseURL "http://localhost/"
Recent Features
- Menu for pages in the header
- improve style of table
- Improve style text
- Improve style of footer in articles
- Improve pages like tags, categories
- Projects as a post type
- Add subtitle
- Improve vendor and assets
- Light mode and switcher button
- Improve for podcast website
- Improve the theme color and font
- Cookie Modal (GDPR)
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This theme is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.