Hugo Themes
Monochrome is a clean, responsive, and programmer-friendly hugo theme
- Author: You-Kai Zheng
- GitHub Stars: 209
- Updated: 2024-11-27
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Dark Light Multilingual Responsive
A fast, clean and responsive hugo theme
Demo & Documents
Clean UI with small resources. Monochrome has clean UI design with ~5KB gzipped bundled CSS.
Self-Contained. Monochrome doesn’t require webpack, nodejs and other dependencies to setup or edit, just hugo.
Responsive layout. Adapt to different viewpoint, from desktop to mobile.
Support light/dark mode. Low-light UI.
Multiple layouts built-in. Monochrome now supports 6 different layouts. See Demo.
Nested navbar and Multilingual mode. Make good use of hugo’s well-designed structure.
Syntax Highlighting (with copy feature). Integrate both server-side solution (Chroma, hugo built-in) and client-side solution (Prism.js, for someone who need more languages supported).
Site Search with real-time matches highlight. Powered by uFuzzy.
SEO-friendly. Easily change your author, description, keywords, open graph, twitter card meatdata.
Support mathematical notation. Powered by MathJax.
Useful shortcodes. See Document.
See Setup
See Configuration
- PrismJS/prism MIT
- leeoniya/uFuzzy MIT
- mathjax/MathJax Apache-2.0
- kingdido999/zooming MIT
- feathericons/feather MIT
- simple-icons/simple-icons CC0-1.0
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