Hugo Themes
A simple hugo blog theme based on bulma
hugo + bulma = hulga
Build exampleSite
, you will see:
You can also customize primary and secondary color, for example:
Demo Site
My Blog
- Based on Bulma v1
- Small & fast
- Basic functions:
- category list&term pages
- tag list&term pages
- archives pages
- Table of contents (TOC) sidebar
- Modern CSS variables based dark mode
media support- force light/dark theme
- Static search with pagefind
- PWA support
Clone to hugo site themes folder
git submodule add themes/hulga
Enable it in
theme = "hulga"
and then config it.
To use
, you should have hugo extended version installed, then copypackage.json
to the root of your site folder, thennpm install
.If your language is not
, you may need to add i18n files in i18n folder to show some i18n strings in this theme.Ensure the to put all content in a directory titled “post” for the theme to populate the articles. Ex. content\post
To enable search page, install pagefind and run
npx pagefind --site public
afterhugo build
. Check pagefind’s docs for detail.
You can check the config of the demo site in exampleSite/hugo.toml
An example of avaliable params:
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-cn"
DefaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
paginate = 10
theme = "hulga"
# show in HTML meta tag
author = "xxx"
keywords = "HTML, hugo, CSS"
description = "xxx's blog, xxx xx xxxx"
# change bulma's primary color
primaryColor = "#1d9bf0"
# use primary color everywhere, default true
primaryEverywhere = true
# change bulma's link color (secondary color in this theme)
# linkColor = "#f91880"
# subtitle on homepage
subtitle = "This is a subtitle"
# copyright text on footer
copyright = "Copyright © 2020 wlh. All rights reserved."
# enable katex rendering on every post page, default false
math = false
# enable postcss, mainly for css purge (746kB->56kB->9kB gzipped, but this makes build slower), default false
postcss = true
# enable showing content summary below post title in home page, default false
showSummary = true
# set paginate on taxonomy term page (tags or categories), default 10
termPaginate = 3
# enable toc on every post page, default false
toc = true
# enable TOC auto collapse, default false
autoCollapseToc = true
# enable prefers-color-scheme:dark, default false
darkMedia = true
# enable user to toggle dark mode with a menu, default false
darkToggle = true
# enable hero section's is-bold effect, default false
heroBold = false
# enable hero section that looks like steam deck's home page, default false
heroSteamDeck = false
# enable PWA, prepare your icons and DON'T forget to modify manifest.json, default false
pwa = true
# disable jsdelivr cdn, default false
noCDN = false
# for postcss-purgecss
# see
# [build]
# writeStats = true
# to enable different hightlight themes in light/dark mode
noClasses = false
identifier = "index"
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
identifier = "archives"
name = "Archives"
url = "/archives/"
weight = 2
identifier = "tags"
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 3
identifier = "about"
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
weight = 4
identifier = "search"
name = "Search"
url = "/search/"
weight = 5
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
- Hugo: Static site generator
- Bulma: CSS framework
- Purgecss cssnano: Purge CSS size
- Katex: $\LaTeX$ rendering
- anchorjs: Add anchor to title
- tocbot: Generate table of contents
- vanilla-back-to-top: Add back-to-top button