Hugo Themes
Dead simple Hugo theme.
- Author: Gleb Buzin
- GitHub Stars: 69
- Updated: 2025-01-16
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Company Docs Light Minimal Responsive
Hugo Dead Simple
Simple hugo theme designed to be dead easy on the reader.
General idea is to stay off of enshittifying trend: no icons, less whitespace, less colors, links are blue, etc…
- Auto light and dark themes
- Fast without bullshit - minified, minimal vanilla css, images are lazy-loaded, system fonts, no CDNs, functional without js if Katex is not used
- Site-wide search (can be disabled)
- Keyboard-friendly:
to home,t
to tags,i
to search,Tab
to navigate posts and search - Dynamic wiki-style table of contents
- Katex math (inline and block)
- Info boxes
- Attachments
- Info boxes
- Columns / Tabs
- Copy buttons on code blocks
- Mobile-friendly
Example site, overview of features and configuration.
Example site repo.
- (recent hugo)