Hugo Themes
Galleries Deluxe
Multi gallery theme suitable for large galleries.
- Author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen
- GitHub Stars: 47
- Updated: 2024-10-10
- License: MIT
- Tags: Gallery Responsive
Note: The photos in this repo are not for reuse. They are used for demo purposes only.
See the demo at
This is built on top of and the plural version of gallerydeluxe.
I will create a starter template for this theme later, but for now see the exampleSite folder.
By default, you need Dart Sass installed to build a site using this theme.
We’re however currently not using any of the new features in Dart Sass, so you can also use the old libsass
embedded into the extended Hugo version by setting the following in your config.toml
# One of dartsass or libsass.
sass_transpiler = "libsass"
The default and recommended value is dartsass
See vars.scss for a list of Sass variables.
These can be overriden either in order of presedence:
- The Hugo config
- Adding a assets/scss/galleriesdeluxe/vars-custom.scss file to your project.