Hugo Themes
Theme is designed for blogs with long posts and lots of photos, and photo galleries that can be embedded in posts.
- Author: Roman Arkharov
- GitHub Stars: 3
- Updated: 2025-03-01
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Bootstrap Gallery Light Minimal Multilingual Personal Responsive
Hugo Frühling Theme
This Hugo theme has been developed for the Romka!eu blog, where you can find a comprehensive demo showcasing the usage of this theme. A simplified demo is available in this repository, its rendered version is deployed to GitHub Pages:
The theme utilizes the following JavaScript libraries:
- lightgallery,
- masonry,
- swiper.
Lightgallery is a free and open-source library. However, to use it legitimately for business, commercial sites, projects, and applications, you should purchase it and insert your license key into the configuration:
licenseKey = 'your-license-key'
The Frühling theme defines four post types:
- two text-based types: blog and note,
- and to photo-based types: gallery and story.
Each of the content types has a distinct template: blogs and galleries are designed to be more extensive than their counterparts — notes and stories.
In addition to custom post templates, the theme introduces several shortcodes:
- two types of galleries that can be embedded into a post:
. Galleries may contain both photos and videos, - several custom shortcodes for images,
- the
{{< more >}}
shortcode, which inserts a div with the id#read-more
, enabling users to navigate from the “read more” link to a custom position on a page.
For more details on available shortcodes, please refer to the layouts/shortcodes
The theme is designed for users with a substantial number of photos to post. In the header, the theme displays a photomosaic block — a row with random photos aggregated from all the photos available under the content
directory. Each page may have its own photomosaic, but by default, for performance reasons, the number of generated photomosaics is limited, and this can be adjusted in the configuration file:
numberOfUniqueMosaics = 25