Hugo Themes
A Clean, Elegant but Advanced Hugo Theme for Hugo.
- Author: Lruihao
- GitHub Stars: 969
- Updated: 2024-12-04
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Dark Light Responsive
«FixIt» is a clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo.
It is based on the original LoveIt Theme, KeepIt Theme and LeaveIt Theme.
Live Preview
💟 Production | ❇️ Preview | 🚼 Demo | 🆕 Starter
More «FixIt» examples here.
Head to the Quick Start page for a step-by-step guide on how to create a new website with FixIt.
Outline: Installation ➜ Getting Started ➜ Content Management ➜ Advanced Usage
Template repository
Click the following links to generate a new repository with template:
Template | repository | Generate link |
A quick-start template base on Hugo Modules. | hugo-fixit-starter | Click |
A quick-start template base on Git submodule. | hugo-fixit-starter1 | Click |
Build multilingual sites using Fixit theme. | docs | Click |
Customize with FixIt theme. | Lruihao/hugo-blog | Click |
Why choose FixIt
I don’t know why 🤷
Performance and SEO
- Optimized for performance: 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop in Google PageSpeed Insights
- Optimized SEO performance with a correct SEO SCHEMA based on JSON-LD
- Google Analytics supported
- Fathom Analytics supported
- Baidu Analytics supported
- Umami Analytics supported
- Plausible Analytics supported
- Cloudflare Web Analytics supported
- Splitbee Analytics supported
- Search engine verification supported (Google, Bing, Yandex, Pinterest, Baidu, 360 and Sogou)
- CDN for third-party libraries supported
Appearance and Layout
- Responsive layout
- Light/Dark mode
- Globally consistent design language
- Pagination supported
- Easy-to-use and self-expanding table of contents
- Multilanguage supported and i18n ready
- Beautiful CSS animation
Social and Comment Systems
- Gravatar supported by Gravatar
- Local Avatar supported
- Up to 87 social links supported
- Up to 28 share sites supported
- Disqus comment system supported by Disqus
- Gitalk comment system supported by Gitalk
- Valine comment system supported by Valine
- Waline comment system supported by Waline
- Facebook comments system supported by Facebook
- Telegram comments system supported by Telegram Comments
- Commento comment system supported by Commento
- Utterances comment system supported by Utterances
- Artalk comment system supported by Artalk
- Twikoo comment system supported by Twikoo
- giscus comment system supported by giscus
Extended Features
- PWA (Progressive Web App) supported
- Sub Menu supported
- Content Encryption supported (Pages, Partial)
- Friends page embedded template
- Search supported by algolia, Fuse.js or CSE
- Custom Search Engine (CSE) supported by Google
- Twemoji supported
- Automatically highlighting code
- Copy code to clipboard with one click
- Images gallery supported by lightgallery
- Extended Markdown syntax for Font Awesome icons
- Extended Markdown syntax for ruby annotation
- Extended Markdown syntax for fraction
- Mathematical formula supported by KaTeX
- Diagrams code fences extended and shortcode supported by mermaid
- Interactive data visualization shortcode and code fences extended supported by ECharts
- Timeline code fences extended and shortcode supported
- Mapbox shortcode supported by Mapbox GL JS
- Music player shortcode supported by APlayer and MetingJS
- Bilibili player and Douyin player shortcode
- Kinds of admonitions shortcode
- Custom style shortcode
- Custom script shortcode
- Open more custom blocks
- Animated typing supported by TypeIt
- Cookie consent banner supported by cookieconsent
- Web Watermark supported by cell-watermark
- Chinese typesetting supported by pangu.js
- Options to cache remote image locally
- …
Theme Components
The FixIt theme balances simplicity and extensibility with extra Hugo theme components for customization.
Multilingual and i18n
FixIt supports the following languages:
- English
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- French
- Polish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Italian
- Spanish
- German
- Serbian
- Russian
- Romanian
- Vietnamese
- Hindi
- Contribute with a new language
Languages Compatibility
All feedback is welcome! Head over to the discussions, Pull requests and issues tracker.
Official Community | Description |
Discussions | GitHub discussion forum |
FixIt WeChat group | Follow and reply “FixIt” to get |
FixIt QQ group | QQ group: 814031017 |
Hugo FixIt Planet | Paid knowledge Planet |
Don’t forget to leave a ⭐️ if you like this theme, thanks!
We welcome you to join the development of FixIt. Please see contributing document. 🤗
Also, we welcome Issue or PR to our official-components.
[!note] When contributing, please first discuss the change you wish to make via a discussion on this repository before making the actual change.
Thanks to all the contributors for their support!
Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme:
- normalize.css
- Font Awesome
- Simple Icons
- Animate.css
- autocomplete-js
- algoliasearch
- Fuse.js
- object-fit-images
- Twemoji
- emoji-data
- lightgallery
- Sharer.js
- TypeIt
- KaTeX
- mermaid
- ECharts
- Mapbox GL JS
- APlayer
- MetingJS
- Gitalk
- Valine
- cookieconsent
- cell-watermark
- 不蒜子
- Vercount
- pangu.js
- Artalk
- Waline
- Twikoo
- github-corners
- giscus
- crypto-js
- pace
- xxhash-wasm
The FixIt also draws on some features of the following projects, and thanks to their authors as well:
- DoIt
- NexT
FixIt is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.
If you enjoy the theme, please consider buying me a coffee ☕️. Thanks!
- Alipay
- PayPal